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Jumping In

Does it seem a little crazy to be starting a blog in 2023? Yes, yes it does. But here I am, jumping in and doing it anyway. ;) My name is Becky, I’m born and raised in Mesa, Arizona, and I have been obsessed with weddings for as long as I can remember. Maybe it was my older sister getting married while I was in junior high that really jump started me, because that is when I started subscribing to bride magazines.

I loved flipping through the pages and choosing which dress or ring or cake I wanted for my wedding someday. When I got my own laptop in college, I quickly created folders to store pictures of bridesmaids dresses, color schemes, and invitations that I wanted to remember for when it would be my turn to get married (this was before Pinterest, ok?! ;)

(actual screenshot of my computer files, pre-Pinterest) And now here I am- had my dream wedding to my dream guy, been married 12+ years, have 5 kids of our own… and I still love everything about weddings. It really is a passion at this point. I have attended quite a few weddings and wedding receptions over the years and love to see different styles, preferences, and details that make each wedding unique and special- just like the couple who is uniting in marriage.

(my family, courtesy of Brody Skinner Photography) I’m excited to have this space to share inspiration, closer looks at amazing local wedding vendors, valuable tips, real weddings, trends, etc. Thanks for being here and coming along for the journey!


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